"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

A Game of Models 2013: Sculpting (III)

                  Oooooooook, this is going slow but purposeful like your average Cenutrion (yeah, i know, bad joke. And mispelling intended). Now it is time for the most tricky part of the miniature, the chainmail. In the picture you can more-or-less know his size and shape, but still has a lot of dark areas where you have to imagine how it´s done. Also, there is the problem of doing this kind of stuff, basically because you have to made it on thin air, more or less, and previous experiments went... not well enought. But ha!, now i´m more (sort of) experienced, have better techniques, have less hair*ahem*back on topic. I had an idea with this piece: first, a pin in his... ehm... well, no pictures of it because your dirty minds are, well, that, dirty. Then again the silver paper and hop, you have a quite decent mock-up of the chaincloth!:

Doesn´t need it to be perfect, thank Nurgle

Back. No more metal shorts.

               Now, liquid green stuff. You have to be very careful not to cover (a lot) the rest of the mini with it.

                And after this, we start sculpting the chainmail. Maybe you need to add more layers of bare GS to add more volume in several zones (i had to, in the back) but it´s no problem. Was afraid of the resulting chainmail, but ended reeeeeaally happy with it.

Start of the Chainmail and extra layers of GS added

                     And here it is the nearly finished cloth :P. Yep, glad with the result, and above everything, the short time it took. Maybe I will sculpt more "chainmailled" minis in the future...

                You can also see that the left leg on the picture (right of the mini) now looks better. With the deails covering it, i only need to add more green stuff on certain locations to achieve a better result that previous pictures would had suggested.

                  Anyway, hope you like this entry, see you next week i hope!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

                 Bueno coleguitrones, toca una nueva entrada modelaril (modelil? como sea, de modelado :P). Esta vez nos centraremos en una de las piezas más importantes: el faldón de cota de malla. Por qué de las más importantes? bueno, llama mucho la atención, y hasta que se haga hay otros diversos detalles (como la decoración de las piernas) que no pueden hacerse. Eso, y que al estar "en el aire" entre las dos piernas, presenta un nivel de complejidad bastante altillo. Me decidí de nuevo a probar el sistema "papel albal + masilla verde" todo alrededor de un pineo entrepiernil (ouch) para reforzar el asunto y... oigan, mano de santo!. Prácticamente a la primera tuve hecha la base de la cota de malla, y sólo en la parte de atrás necesitó unas capas adicionales de masilla para conseguir la posición correcta! Me gusta, este combo papel albal-masilla...

                 En fin, aqui pueden ver casi todo el proceso. La cota de malla era otro reto pero en cuanto pillé la técnica resultó no sólo fácil, sino hasta divertido (todo lo que queda bien es divertido XD). Ahora sólo necesito darle unos pocos detalles más y estará listo para que siga trabajando sobre el resto de detalles.

                  Sea como sea, espero que les guste caballeros, para lo que quieran, aquí estamos! ;) Nos vemos!

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