"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

sábado, 20 de octubre de 2012

Let´s play a game...

           Oooook, not THAT kind of game... but an interesting one, i hope. Here it is: some of you may know (specially if you actually READ this blog) that i sculpt minis sometimes. It takes me a lot of time and effort (i´m not very fast on nothing hobby-related...) but i think that the results are good enought for me. And here starts the game:

            I´m gonna sculpt a mini.

           "Fascinating. And...?" i hear you say... well, the funny thing is... that YOU are gonna choose the mini. 

            "Fascinating. And...?"
            ¬ ¬U. Ah come on boys and girls, it can be funny, and it´s not gonna cost you a penny!. Let´s go on: how are you gonna do that? Easy. I collect Chaos Warriors in fantasy, and i have nearly all the army books that have been published (except for the first two, but i have them on pdf. Yes GW, i know is illegal, re-publish them and i will buy them ;)). These books are usually full of great pictures that... are never done in mini... Well, i´m gonna do one, in three steps:

First step: 

           The poll, that starts today, will last for a month and allow you to choose one of the books that i have. The mini will be chosen from that book.

Second step:
           The page. It will last another month, and we will choose on the previously selected book the page of the mini we want to be done "Oh, but i don´t have the book!" Well, that´s the funny thing: everyone will say one random page, and i will post the image of that page. Look at the Q&A for all the doubts i know you have now.

Third step: 

           The final one. Of all the pictures, we will make another poll and choose the final mini. I´m gonna sculpt it all over 2013, and anyone who know me can tell you that i ALWAYS do what i promise. Sooner or later, but i always fulfill my oaths. It-will-be-done.
             Everyone who studied basic maths should have notice by now that all of this means that the sculpting will start on January 2013... why so late? Two answers: having time for the polls, and because i told a friend that i will try to paint several minis this year, and i have to, well, try :P

lunes, 15 de octubre de 2012

Skink W.I.P

         Don´t say i don´t post enought painted minis here. This time, a W.I.P of a skink (WH), the skin is almost done, next week i will start with the details:


                Hope you like it, see you soon!

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Armies on Parade (I)

             I started painting miniatures over twelve, maybe fourteen (fourteen?!? Dear God...) years ago. My first game was Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and it´s still one of my favourites. With passing years i added other games and other minis, but all of them were focused on one thing: armies. Fantasy armies, futuristic armies, but armies nonetheless. An after that time i should have a lot of them completed (that means painted) but... nope. Not my style XD
            So, the title of this post makes reference to the competitions (specially GW) and/or just showcases that you can find on the internet with people showing his usually beautiful painted warriors in formation, ready for war. And i though (sometimes i do) "I need to do that. If only, to see once my finished armies assembled". I made a list of my minis, took some photos, and then realized that i don´t owe a lot of true armies, "true" meaning "armies that can be fielded in a game". Hell, i only owe three... in FOURTEEN YEARS.


            Ok after a bit of crying, i decided to classify my hosts in three types: Armies, Warbands and Happy Tree Friends (it´s my post and i write what i want) meaning complete armies, uncomplete armies with at least one unit finished, and a collection of separate soldiers that maybe in the far future will be an army. Here is the list:

  • Ultramarines           (40K)
  • Lizardmen              (WH)
  • Warriors of Chaos  (WH)
  • Bretonnia          (WH)
  • Tyranids            (40K)
Happy Tree Friends:
  • Grey Knights     (40K)
  • Khemri               (WH)
  • Undead               (WH)

         I have other games, like Blood Bowl, Warmachine/Hordes etc, but they will appear in other posts (also, i only have fully painted armies from GW ... :P). So, in this series of posts i´m gonna show one army of every "level" i have, trying to avoid the typical "photo overload". Here are the first ones:

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