"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012

Armies on Parade (I)

             I started painting miniatures over twelve, maybe fourteen (fourteen?!? Dear God...) years ago. My first game was Warhammer Fantasy Battles, and it´s still one of my favourites. With passing years i added other games and other minis, but all of them were focused on one thing: armies. Fantasy armies, futuristic armies, but armies nonetheless. An after that time i should have a lot of them completed (that means painted) but... nope. Not my style XD
            So, the title of this post makes reference to the competitions (specially GW) and/or just showcases that you can find on the internet with people showing his usually beautiful painted warriors in formation, ready for war. And i though (sometimes i do) "I need to do that. If only, to see once my finished armies assembled". I made a list of my minis, took some photos, and then realized that i don´t owe a lot of true armies, "true" meaning "armies that can be fielded in a game". Hell, i only owe three... in FOURTEEN YEARS.


            Ok after a bit of crying, i decided to classify my hosts in three types: Armies, Warbands and Happy Tree Friends (it´s my post and i write what i want) meaning complete armies, uncomplete armies with at least one unit finished, and a collection of separate soldiers that maybe in the far future will be an army. Here is the list:

  • Ultramarines           (40K)
  • Lizardmen              (WH)
  • Warriors of Chaos  (WH)
  • Bretonnia          (WH)
  • Tyranids            (40K)
Happy Tree Friends:
  • Grey Knights     (40K)
  • Khemri               (WH)
  • Undead               (WH)

         I have other games, like Blood Bowl, Warmachine/Hordes etc, but they will appear in other posts (also, i only have fully painted armies from GW ... :P). So, in this series of posts i´m gonna show one army of every "level" i have, trying to avoid the typical "photo overload". Here are the first ones:

 Warriors of Chaos
        These were my first minis (not my first army, funnily) and the ones that make me enter this world. So technically, i was corrupted by them XD

All my army. Three kinds/styles of painting. Black everywhere :P


              Yes, as you can see, i love chaos warriors (not literally, i´m not an Slaanesh general, you know...). Hell, i even thought on making chaos warriors Hellcannon´s crew... but their stats didn´t were good enought... also, if that infernal machine is gonna eat something, better some disposable dwarfs :P.

My first chavalry unit painted. Need repaint. Someday.

A more recently painted chavalry unit. Bit different, isn´t it?

An unit of Chaos Warriors with hallberdiers

My first chaos unit. From the days with metal command groups...

Those lovely huchbacks...

These old models need NUMBERS to fit in position...

Second (or third) chavalry unit with The Darker (my general)

Only the shield of The Darker is from GW. Please don´t sue me.

Chaos chariot. He didn´t see much action... is so useles...

                And here is the Characters section. Yes, i have more heroes that... units to lead... :P

The one of the left is old Archie. I guess now is only a "simple" Chaos Lord...

Five warriors and only a Wizard. Hurm, i should play Khorne...

Archie needs a repaint to...

My last chaos mini painted. Yes, there are two dwarfs "missing"...

I have to paint those dwarfes...

              This was my second 40k army, first one where Ultramarines. Yes, i play Ultras and Tyranids, don´t ask me why. This is, as i told before, a warband, only one finished unit at this time (the Warriors). I only have to paint... over 50 more gaunts to have.... 75% of all the army done... *shrug*

Again, a really old paintjob...


Hormagaunts. 1/4 of an unit. Barely

Close-up of the Warriors. Yes, i know, not the same photo session...

Warriors back

Grey Knights

             And now the last type: Happy Tree Friends. This time, Grey Knights, an army i always wanted to built way before they become so """popular""" thanks to Wardmageddon Codex. Here is all i have from them:

A lonely Vindicare sniper. Literally

          Yeeeees, i know, an assasin is a complete unit entry in the codex, this should be on the Warband categorie but... ah, come on, it´s only a mini. And it´s not even exactly a Grey Knight so...

             Ok, that´s all for now, expect two other posts to show the rest of my armies, hope you like them, see you soon!

2 comentarios:

  1. I like the Razheem conversion on the Darker :) It was a cool mini from RK :)

    Now, PAINT :)

    1. Hey, i had painted this year more than any other... which is not very complicated but... ah, forget it :P


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