"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

domingo, 19 de febrero de 2012

Foolish Poetry: Introduction

        Poetry is dead.

        Yea, i know, there is still people that write poetry  but... come on, who knows about them except the ones of "that world"? (poets, i mean). Yeah, that´s the point: you can know one name or two, but mostly they are a dying breed, or at least one that knew better times. Fifty, maybe, one hundred for sure years ago there was still people who write poems and such, but in recent decades the number (and fame) of them had declined inexorably, and you can think on several reasons for that. I got my own, so let me talk a little about them:

         First: the poetry actually didn´t die, only changed. With the "rise" of music that we have with TV (Radio also helped, but tv was key) people who write some "poethic" texts started to write it FOR songs. That don´t mean every musician is a poet, you know...

No, you´re not an street poet.
... but i assure you that most boys (and girsl, don´t yell at me :P) who should have writed poetry just two decades ago instead writed songs. Maybe because everything sounds better with music. Maybe because it´s easier to get rich.... who knows?

       Other change was the style.... instead of the ABBA (no, not the group, this) kind-of-poetry, it becomes usual another, more like prose, way of writing it. Not my favourite, but still great if you know how to use it.

Like HIM
           And then there are the books. Yeah, i know, writers and poets has shared a long time together and nothing never happened, but with globalization, the better ways to share knowledge and such, it´s easier to reach a lot more people now. "Oh, but that also helps poetry!" you say, and its ok, except that, truth be told, literature is a more popular gender. For every what, ten, twenty, a hundred books?, a poetry one comes to libraries, giving the subtle idea that if you want to be read for as many persons as possible, "normal" books are the better idea. Also, now is easier to do cheap publications, so money isn´t really a problem (sometimes). In older times new releases most probably would take weeks, or months (and that, in the same country) so probably you will only have access to publications of your own city, so if you publish something there you will only have to deal with your "neigbors". Now, you only need a blog...

          These are just a bunch of my ideas about this. We could go deeper and deeper on them, and probably i should have to change it or directly admit that they are not true, but this post is not about that. No, the fact that i write about poetry is simple: i started to write mine a few weeks ago.

Don´t laugh, bastards.

          Truth be told, when i was young i used to write some poems, specially in school, but this was a hobby long time forgotten, and poems of that age are long lost (probably for good). Recently, i read "I have a rendezvous with death" (well, that´s a translation of this title) ...

and now i like this video even more...

... and that old "hobby" came back again. Probably not for long, i usually get bored easily, changing from one thing to another (and adding another proyect to my ever-growing pile of unfinished stuff...) but it´s now here, so let´s see what happens. Also, i writed this introduction to tell that i´m going for the "classic" ABBA style (old habits) but most probably that will be my only limitation: Don´t expect nothing spectacular (or good...), i only want whatever i write to "sound" good. I don´t need to read "hey, crows are´n red, this verse is wrong" beause if saying red crows makes the poem sound ok, it will be ok with me. Of course, if you read something misspelled just tell me and i will change it. I´m only saying that "logic" is not my main concern :).

       I hope someday i will be able to post one or two poems. Actually, if i write ten it will be some kind of record... but it would be nice to read your opinions. And if you even like one of them, it will be great.

See you ;)

PD: I´m gonna write them in english (a big part). Reading this post may give you the idea that i know nothing about english, but hey, i want to try. Again, thanks for any help :P

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