"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

miércoles, 31 de diciembre de 2014

Propósitos 2014: El Resumen

               Finalizamos el 2014 y toca hacer repaso de los propósitos que se esperaban cumplir y que (probablemente) no he cumplido. Amos, que toca buscar excusas XDD.
  1. Escribir el mismo número de entradas que el año pasado: Fail. Me he quedado muy cerca (y tengo varias en el tintero pero entre una cosa y otra me quedo a 5. Bueno, nada grave :P.
  2. Escribir más que el año pasado: Nope. No ha sido el año de escribir :(
  3. Dibujar lo mismo que el año pasado: Tampoco. el año pasado aproveché el verano pero esta vez el crochet (joer, que raro suena esto XD) se interpuso en mi camino.
  4. Pintar más que el año pasado, y machacar a Killian_Doyle en el reto: Killian Dice que ha pintado sobre 7 figuras regaladas (palabras, palabras... seguro que las peanas están sin pintar XD) ergo el reto es para él... pero por poco, porque yo sí pinté más que el año pasado (no muy complicado) y me quedé con 3 figuras completas. Y porque me puse (again) a esculpir que si no... XD).
  5. Acabar proyectos: Hmmmmnnnnnnno. Vamos, acabé el reto modelístico de este año (le falta la última revisión pero está) con lo que es algo, y de crochet (sigue sonando raro...) he hecho varias cosas pero salvo eso lo demás sigue igual. En cuanto a los retos específicos...: 
    1. Los forges. Avanzo con la reorganización, pero aún les falta, y mucho.
    2. El ordenata sigue bastante caótico. Ni fu ni fa :P.
  6. Esculpir al menos dos minis: Una y media. Y otras en stand by. Y otras empezadas. Pero al menos la del Game of Models la acabé! :D
  7. Lograr que la habitación no parezca zona de guerra: Va a peor, con eso lo digo todo.
  8. Currar: ... 5 horas!. Nel Carre!.Contando cosas!. Pero cuenta, no? (soñar es gratis XD)
  9. No había nada en este número....
  10. Lograr que sea el mejor año de mi vida. Hum. el mejor es mucho hablar pero... pero ha tenido muchas cosas buenas. He ganado un concurso de pintura. He aprendido una nueva técnica. He acabado alguna cosa que llevaba años esperando. Y algunas cosas más. Bueno? Diría que sip :D
               Una y media? Dos? es bastante triste, pero me quedo con la sensación de la última, la de que el año ha tenido no pocas experiencias interesantes, y algún que otro premio. Buen año? Podríamos decirlo :D

                 Falta ver qué nos trae el 2015 de la recuperación y el pleno empleo... ;)

                 Nos vemos!!!


domingo, 21 de diciembre de 2014

Let´s play a game 2015: Third and last Voting

                     I´m late again, but i guess we have enought time for voting so... here it is the final voting (and maybe the last "Game" in a few years) that we´re gonna have on this blog. The original idea for the previous one was to choose a "way of representation" for the miniature i´m gonna sculpt, and the winner was....: Diorama!.

Ok, maybe mine would be a little... smaller XD

                And about the second voting between both characters selected.... again a tie. Seems that Roy Batty and Ten are gonna fight to the last, so on our third and last voting you will have (again) to vote-select two things:
  1. Choose (again) between Blade Runner´s favourite robot and Nearly everyone´s favorite Dokta.
  2. Describe the diorama you want for them, in detail. Some of you had described what you want for the diorama already so... do it again XD. Remember, i´m gonna work with your suggestions! :D. Oh, and if someone´s description is of your liking you can vote for it too!!
                Once December is gone the most voted option will be chosen. And i must say, that if AGAIN both characters are in a tie i´m gonna do a Mashup and go along with it. They both deserve a miniature if they tie three times, don´t you think?

                 Ok, you can start now, it´s already mid-December but looking at previous votings you will have time enought.... see you soon!!!

 +++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION+++++++++++++++++

                 Bueno gente, tarde y mal pero aquí llego para esta última votación (si bien es cierto que viendo el éxito de las anteriores creo que sobra el tiempo XD. En la previa mis amables seguidores escogieron el diorama como el sistema deseado para la figura a esculpir, así que ahora sólo quedan por escoger dos cosas:
  1. Roy Batty o el Décimo Doctor? Sí, seguimos con esto XD.
  2. Descripcion lo más precisa posible del diorama. Algunos ya lo habéis hecho así que... toca hacerlo de nuevo :P. Eso sí, si alguna sugerencia ya dicha os mola podéis votar por esa ;).
              Y pa finalizar aviso: si vuelve a salir empate entre ambos tipos voy a hacer un mashup y tirar palante, que digo yo que si tres veces tienen los mismos votos se merecen ambos el premio de una mini no? :P

                  Sea como sea tenéis hasta final de año, pasado ese plazo ya no habrá vuelta atrás!

                  Nos vemos! :D

lunes, 1 de diciembre de 2014

2014 Showdown: Combi Morat (WIP I)

                  Year is coming to an end! And with it, the showdowns too are also reaching their climax(es?), so it´s time to show you a little more of what i have been painting recently. Now, a Morat in the colors of the Green Lantern Corps:

                    Because i can :P

First, black

That booty

lunes, 24 de noviembre de 2014

Y una rapidita....

                   Dos actualizaciones? el mismo día? Locuraaaaaa!!!! 

                   Pero en este caso, el motivo es bien sencillo, concretamente este.

                Xacto, con orgullo y satisfacción pueden ver (o se lo digo directamente a los muy vagos para mirar el link... sabéis quiénes sois...) que he ganado uno de los premios de pintura de BanduaWargames con mi pequeñuelo Caróntida!. Gracias a la fantástica organización, ya me puede el intríngulis de saber qué me ha tocado!! (aunque la placa conmemorativa sin duda será a lo que más cariño tenga ;)). 

                      Hasta el próximo año, donde pienso estar también! ;)

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (V)

              Weeeeeeell well well, let´s not forget I still have previous year(s) unfinished (technically, unpublished XD) "Game of Models" around, so let´s have a new update!. Enjoy our favorite caped crusader:

               No, it´s not Batman.

Both pieces joined together!

Start of the cape

                     The technique with the cape was simple: A thin (sort of) layer of green stuff, a bit of superglue to strenghten it, and then another thin (i tried!) layer over that one for an smooth result. And shape :P

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Let´s play a game 2015: Second Voting

               Well, October (and the first week of November...) came and was gone before we could even realize it, so let´s start the second voting soon so aaaaaall people interested on this can say what they want. After the first voting, two topics where chosen:

  • Roy Batty, from Blade Runner
    "All this moments will be lost... like tears on the rain..."

  • The 10th Doctor. 
"You tell, bro"

              Quite some interesting ideas, indeed! Well, on the second voting you have to do two things: first, choose wich one of the two topics are more interesting. And second, choose the ""technique"" you want me to use on it. Here there are the options:
  1. 28 mm miniature
  2. 75 mm miniature

  3. Bust.

  4. Battle Scene (Number of fighters might vary, two minimun XD. Also, 28mm ones)
    Ok, technically this is a diorama but... they are fighting ok??
  5. Diorama (Differs from the previous one in that you can have a diorama with only one miniature, or several without them fighting :P. Again, 28 mm miniatures)
    Like this easy one :P
  6. Drawing. (Ok, it´s not a miniature, but if you´re interested on it... why not?)
Ok, maybe someting more simple...

            And if you want to suggest other option, just say!. When November goes into oblivion whe will choose the two more popular answers for both questions and we will jump into the last voting.

                Ok, hope you like this, see you soon!.

 +++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

                 Bien, Octubre pasó y se fue por donde vino, y llegó de repente Noviembre con sus ganas de bronca y su mal tiempo. Y acabó la primera votación del concurso pa 2015, los nominados, Roy Batty the Blade Runner y Diez, uno de nuestros Doctores favoritos.

                    Ahora toca la segunda votación, y esta vez tendréis que elegir no una sino dos cosas: primero, cual de los dos temas anteriores es vuestro favorito (los replicantes o el Dokta) y segundo qué sistema de, llamémoslo, representación preferís para el "trabajo": 28 mm (los retos hasta ahora), 75 mm, busto, escena de batalla, diorama, o dibujo (en caso de que estéis hasta los huevos de minis XDDD).

                    Llegado Diciembre las opciones preferidas pasarán a la tercera votación en la que... bueno, ya veremos qué hay que escoger XDDD

                     Esperando vuestras respuestas, nos vemos!

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Anubis, Crocheted Lord of the Underworld (and other stuff)

               Well again, it´s time for an update, but today instead of a miniature I bring you another of my crochet works because... well, because this is my blog and i do with it what i want :P. This year on January-February I entered one of those Facebook "games" where I promised to give anyone fulfilling a series of conditions (mostly, answering the post XD) to give them a present along the year. 

                   Only one answered.

                   Damn, what´s wrong with my games? XD

                 Anyway, i take this kind of stuff very seriously (even being from Facebook XD) so along the year I had the idea of what to give and put all my arts and habilities on it. Or at least i tried to put some hability on it, you tell me ;):

              The box was a last-minute idea (but it take several ones to end :P). A prize for anyone who gets all the references :P

Curse of the wool!

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Let´s play a Game 2015

                 Yes, ladies and gentleman, here we are again on this time of the year when voting for the next year´s project must start. And yet again you haven´t seen anything completely done... I could say that the Dark Angel is finished minus details, but you had hear that before, so... believe me or not, can´t blame you XD. Anyway, I must start again if i want a new edition done, but this year´s game, like any sequel, comes with new rules and possibilities, hope you like them (or not! :P).

Isn´t beautiful to meet again?

                   The first one is a change: Remember when i said that the idea was finishing the miniature along next year. Well, i had done it more or less, but it simply takes just too much time and next year i´m planning on launching a crusade against my Gigantic Mountain of Unfinished Minis (TM) so... I need time. Resume?: I will START this project next year, but i don´t promise to finish it next year. Yes, i know, i barely do it anyways, but this way at least i don´t feel guilty about it XD.

                   Second, an special rule this year!. Usually I picked up the books or the topics, this edition will be completely your chosing. Had a wish, this is the time!: 

Any wish?

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (IV)

                 Sorry for the delay, the Marines are almost ready but they still needs some minor fixes. Anyway, here they are more pictures of the second one! Time to start working on chainmail clothes and power legs! :P

             The arms where a pain in the ass. Pinning got a bit loose so when i was working on them they where always moving. Plus, i had to be sure they where in a good position because they had to hold a sword in the end so...

jueves, 11 de septiembre de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (III)

              Here we are again folks!. This time, a revelation!: Remember when I said that because I didn´t finish my vow last year, I had decided to "compensate" that fact doing something extra this year?. Not as part of the vow for 2014 (or i would again not finish it) but just as an "extra" thingie for you to enjoy. Well, here it is the extra: Not only one Dark Angel Veteran from the picture am i sculpting, but two!. And of course, here are the pictures of the beginning...

Marine from Black Reach

             This one required a lot more work on the legs. I´m afraid the straight one came too long, but hope it will be barely noticeable when ended.

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (II)

                 Just a short update of this fellah, this time mostly showing up my work on the legs

Spiky elbows!

Start of the tunic

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

2014 Showdown: Finished Charontid

                     Well, as i promised here it is the finished Charontid from Infinity the Game, my second miniature on my showdown with Mr. Doyle and the first one in the Von Drake´s one. You didn´t believe i will have it finished that soon uh? XD.
                        Ok, let´s go to the main interest, the pictures!!: 

With an also scary name!!

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (I)

              Hello, everyone! After summer time I come back with new energy and, better still, pictures of this year´s Game of Models!.

                Yes, i promise to finish this one in time.

               Truth be told, since the other one is technically not fully finished, this year I had the idea of compensate my "failure" somehow, and that idea was fully supported when people where not very convinced of which miniature i should sculpt. So... well, you´ll have to wait a litte longer :P. Ok, everything starts here then...

                And no, there will be no forever updates. Just four, five tops. Hope you enjoy them:

                Trying to save time (and having a bazillion one-piece marines who probably will never be painted) i decided to use one of them as my base model for sculpting. Here there is the chosen one, with his future self under him: a Pre-Heresy Dark Angel.

From Dark Vengeance

martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

One month after....

               Bueno, las vacaciones llegaron y se fueron, y tras un mes de tomar el solcito ahora tengo color de persona y las mismas esperanzas sobre el futuro que antes. Quizir, ninguna XD. Pero beware! que no he estado en la playa sin hacer nada de nada! (bueno, casi XD). Entre otras cosas, he seguido con lo del ganchillo para dos cositas que tenía en mente. Lo cierto es que como todo consume tiempo creo que acabaré un par de cosas y lo dejaré una temporada pa dedicarme a labores más serias (como hacer fanarts XD) pero... quién sabe? De todas maneras, ahí os queda parte de lo que hice, el resto en breve ;):

Funda de Móvil Gunter:


Ninguna maravilla, lo sé

martes, 10 de junio de 2014

2014 Showdown: Sneak Peek (II)

             This one is taking me forever. But at least is going well!

               Next update (i hope) it will be finished! :D

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Nurgle Beast (IV)

                Good news everyone!.

              Ok, i needed to use that phrase :P. These are not exactly news in the journalist way, but a new update! This time, the Beast of Nurgle, wich now enters his final stage: only two more updates and done (same as with the warrior, the second one will be the finished miniature, nothing more).

                  Enought talking, more seeying! Now it´s growing hair things on his head!

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

2014 Showdown: Sneak Peek

             I had another post ready, but last minute i decided that you would enjoy more this update of the 2014 Showdown. Here it is the WIP of an Infinity miniature (first one i´m expecting to finish, since, well, ever XD), a Combined Army´s Charontid. Pictures coming!

LED´s Pants!


                  The "pants", except for little retouching here and there are done, in a few weeks i hope to be able to show you the finished miniature (and see if it looks like a  menacing creature or a 70´s techno ball). Oh, i nearly forgot, it´s painted in the Red Lanters colour scheme, which comprises, surprisingly, a lot of red.
                   Hope you like it, see you soon!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

                   Entrada sencilla: trabajo en proceso (o WIP, a decir verdad la mayoría ya hablamos así...) de mi pequeña banda de felices alienígenas genocidas: la IE de Infinity. Los pantacas están prácticamente hechos salvo detalles nimios, espero en breve tenerlo acabado. Pintado en el esquema de los Red Lanters porque, siendo sinceros, tranquilo y relajado no tiene pinta de serlo un animalico que va por el mundo adelante con un fusil de plasma XD.

                   Espero que os guste, nos vemos!!!

lunes, 28 de abril de 2014

A Game of Models 2013: Sculpting (VII)

               Well my dear friends, this is coming to an end at last (Truth is, it´s mainly finished except for the usual "bling" details here and there). The only problem is the lack of time because of my showdown with Mr. Von_Drake, or it woul´ve been already finished. You can´t have all...

                 Another thing: there will be only two more updates of this little one, being the last one the finished miniature (to a total of 9 updates). Just in case you need to know. Plus, i promise never to do such a long time WIP.

                 And now, pictures!:

Time for little stuff!

lunes, 21 de abril de 2014

2014 Showdown: Spike & Blood Bowl Trophies

             Third week with an update, must be a record or something :P. And again, with a finished miniature (Double record!) also valid for my 2014 Duel with Killian_Doyle (Triple hit combo!). This make my first one versus the... well, didn´t see anyone of Mr. Doyle finished minis (i mean, with the base and all :P) so i´m gonna guess... zero XD.

                 Fine, fine, he probably has painted 5 or 10 by now, but without photos... ok, i will ask him or something.

               Anyway, here it is the little one, the Spike Trophy that GW used to sell in is web back before when things like "Specialist Games" were important to them.


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