"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (I)

              Hello, everyone! After summer time I come back with new energy and, better still, pictures of this year´s Game of Models!.

                Yes, i promise to finish this one in time.

               Truth be told, since the other one is technically not fully finished, this year I had the idea of compensate my "failure" somehow, and that idea was fully supported when people where not very convinced of which miniature i should sculpt. So... well, you´ll have to wait a litte longer :P. Ok, everything starts here then...

                And no, there will be no forever updates. Just four, five tops. Hope you enjoy them:

                Trying to save time (and having a bazillion one-piece marines who probably will never be painted) i decided to use one of them as my base model for sculpting. Here there is the chosen one, with his future self under him: a Pre-Heresy Dark Angel.

From Dark Vengeance

                First of all I cut him in two. Reason?: I got two pieces to work with (so if one has some fragile detail recently sculpted i could just work on the other piece until dry) and also because that way i was able to do minor changes on his position.

Start of the Green Stuff

                This part was easy, just sculpting:

               Robes. I H-A-T-E sculpting robes. Truth is, my trick is to use a thin layer of green stuff, stuck it on position, and then use superglue to strenghten it. Like a rock, i must say. Then i have a base where to actually sculpt. Example:

               Gloves and elbow (?) armour where a bit more tricky. I could´n just "copy" the artwork because... well, is physically impossible XD.

When i have spare GS i add it to the cape XD

           Was not sure about the decoration here (it´s not clear on the picture) so i tried something new...

Back. Again, GS and superglue

                  And that´s all for now, hope you like my work up to this point!

               See you soon!!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

             Buenas a todos!. Tras volver de vacatas, es hora de poneros al día con mis avances en el Gran Reto miniaturil de 2014. Como sabréis, el año pasado no acabé el que empecé por un pelín (sin que eso sea excusa), así que este año decidí hacer algo para "compensaros" vuestra, sin duda, terrible decepción XD. Veréis lo que es pronto, por ahora os traigo fotos de mi avance con la mini escogida: un veterano Angel Oscuro pre-herejía.

              La mini base es del Venganza Oscura, por ahora ha sido todo esculpir sin más siguiendo el dibujo, con ligeras variaciones para ajustar el diseño original a las leyes de la física (la armadura del hombro se las trae...). Lo peor? las telas, odio esculpirlas. Pero la técnica de la "lámina de masilla verde + pegamento de metal" ha demostrado ser útil, así que aquí la aplico.

               Espero que os guste, en breve cuento traeros más imágenes! :D

               Nos vemos!

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