"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

domingo, 27 de mayo de 2012

Gallery of Greens


          I started this blog to (among other things) show my works to the internet around. I posted painted minis, projects, and sometimes other stuff that i had made/see/thinked about. But i never posted my sculpted minis. And didn´t even think about it. In a year.

             Ok, time to fix it! Here are my sculpted minis at this moment. Not pieces or similar, just complete minis:

                 First one: Forsaken. Based on the artwork by PP, this was my first complete sculpt.

From left to right Artwork, mine, official sculpt

                 Second: Alvar Wolfsbane (if i remember correctly). My own design:

The flag went a bit... well, big....

                   Third: Blacksad. A gift from a friend.

And one of my favourites!

              Fourth: Tyrannic War Veteran sergean. Because GW didn´t release one, and i was tired of crappy sculpts based on marvelous artwork. 

And one of the first minis that i "cloned"

                   Here is my CMON gallery, if you want to see more photos and/or vote them. And that´s all for now: I always have projects for sculpting minis, but find myself doing other stuff (like painting...) so... might take a while until i have more XD. 

             See you soon!

3 comentarios:

  1. Hay que reconocerlo..el Blacksad está brutal! Y el banderolo molaría si no fuera porque VAYA TRONCHO EL QUE TENDRÍA QUE LLEVARLO xD

    1. Bah, peores y más absurdas cosas hemos visto en los mundos de fantasía a los que jugamos XDDDDD. El problema de ese tamaño ciertamente fue que intenté clonarlo y sí, saqué el molde... pero pa hacer una copia (ya no digamos hacerlas "en serie") tenía pinta de ser... bastante coñazo, sip XDDD

      Pero me alegro que te gustase Blacksad (espero que no fuese el único X_D)

  2. El veterano mola saco también y el de la banderola, quitando el detalle del tamaño, está muy currada.


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