"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (II)

                 Just a short update of this fellah, this time mostly showing up my work on the legs

Spiky elbows!

Start of the tunic

miércoles, 20 de agosto de 2014

2014 Showdown: Finished Charontid

                     Well, as i promised here it is the finished Charontid from Infinity the Game, my second miniature on my showdown with Mr. Doyle and the first one in the Von Drake´s one. You didn´t believe i will have it finished that soon uh? XD.
                        Ok, let´s go to the main interest, the pictures!!: 

With an also scary name!!

martes, 12 de agosto de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (I)

              Hello, everyone! After summer time I come back with new energy and, better still, pictures of this year´s Game of Models!.

                Yes, i promise to finish this one in time.

               Truth be told, since the other one is technically not fully finished, this year I had the idea of compensate my "failure" somehow, and that idea was fully supported when people where not very convinced of which miniature i should sculpt. So... well, you´ll have to wait a litte longer :P. Ok, everything starts here then...

                And no, there will be no forever updates. Just four, five tops. Hope you enjoy them:

                Trying to save time (and having a bazillion one-piece marines who probably will never be painted) i decided to use one of them as my base model for sculpting. Here there is the chosen one, with his future self under him: a Pre-Heresy Dark Angel.

From Dark Vengeance

martes, 5 de agosto de 2014

One month after....

               Bueno, las vacaciones llegaron y se fueron, y tras un mes de tomar el solcito ahora tengo color de persona y las mismas esperanzas sobre el futuro que antes. Quizir, ninguna XD. Pero beware! que no he estado en la playa sin hacer nada de nada! (bueno, casi XD). Entre otras cosas, he seguido con lo del ganchillo para dos cositas que tenía en mente. Lo cierto es que como todo consume tiempo creo que acabaré un par de cosas y lo dejaré una temporada pa dedicarme a labores más serias (como hacer fanarts XD) pero... quién sabe? De todas maneras, ahí os queda parte de lo que hice, el resto en breve ;):

Funda de Móvil Gunter:


Ninguna maravilla, lo sé

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