"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 19 de agosto de 2013

Space Hulk Librarian: Painting (V)

                  Ok, this is almost done, the next update will be the finished mini (probably you´ll see it first on Bandua´s blog but whatever XD). Now the "infestation marks" are done, and the mutagenic lime on the back of the base is all but finished, only lacks the axe and some minor details, hope you like it as much as I.

The alien stuff breaking the floor

Keep your turtles away from the slime

Yeah, the skulls also need work.

                   Anyways, tell me your opinions, in a few days you´ll see the finished mini. Up to that moment, i´ll keep myself busy with certain "green" mini lying around... News soon!

                      See you soon!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

              Bueno, el termi casi acabado, a falta tan sólo de detallitos como las siempre presentes calaveras y el hacha.  Espero que os guste, para cualquier comentario o duda, aquí me tienen ;)

                  Nos vemos!

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