"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

sábado, 18 de octubre de 2014

Anubis, Crocheted Lord of the Underworld (and other stuff)

               Well again, it´s time for an update, but today instead of a miniature I bring you another of my crochet works because... well, because this is my blog and i do with it what i want :P. This year on January-February I entered one of those Facebook "games" where I promised to give anyone fulfilling a series of conditions (mostly, answering the post XD) to give them a present along the year. 

                   Only one answered.

                   Damn, what´s wrong with my games? XD

                 Anyway, i take this kind of stuff very seriously (even being from Facebook XD) so along the year I had the idea of what to give and put all my arts and habilities on it. Or at least i tried to put some hability on it, you tell me ;):

              The box was a last-minute idea (but it take several ones to end :P). A prize for anyone who gets all the references :P

Curse of the wool!

martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

Let´s play a Game 2015

                 Yes, ladies and gentleman, here we are again on this time of the year when voting for the next year´s project must start. And yet again you haven´t seen anything completely done... I could say that the Dark Angel is finished minus details, but you had hear that before, so... believe me or not, can´t blame you XD. Anyway, I must start again if i want a new edition done, but this year´s game, like any sequel, comes with new rules and possibilities, hope you like them (or not! :P).

Isn´t beautiful to meet again?

                   The first one is a change: Remember when i said that the idea was finishing the miniature along next year. Well, i had done it more or less, but it simply takes just too much time and next year i´m planning on launching a crusade against my Gigantic Mountain of Unfinished Minis (TM) so... I need time. Resume?: I will START this project next year, but i don´t promise to finish it next year. Yes, i know, i barely do it anyways, but this way at least i don´t feel guilty about it XD.

                   Second, an special rule this year!. Usually I picked up the books or the topics, this edition will be completely your chosing. Had a wish, this is the time!: 

Any wish?

jueves, 2 de octubre de 2014

A Game of Models 2014: Sculpting (IV)

                 Sorry for the delay, the Marines are almost ready but they still needs some minor fixes. Anyway, here they are more pictures of the second one! Time to start working on chainmail clothes and power legs! :P

             The arms where a pain in the ass. Pinning got a bit loose so when i was working on them they where always moving. Plus, i had to be sure they where in a good position because they had to hold a sword in the end so...

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