I know that nearly 1/4 of the year has gone by now (wait, what!?!?) and i didn´t upload any painted miniature yet (and last year I only finished one... whose photos i will upload soon, i promise!) so it´s time to add more minis to this blog. And pictures. People come here for the pictures. Anyway, this year I decided that I needed to paint if not more minis, at least some of the most "veteran" ones from the Evergrowing Pile of Load (TM). And nothing could help me more to this goal than a challenge with my pals.
And so, a challenge was issued!. Mr. Killian Doyle (who is a lazy ass and, therefore, doesn´t have a blog, but promised to paint 365 minis this year, duh) was my main target, and the rules where simple: we have to paint minis that we "owe" to someone in one way or another, either because we had promised that we will paint it for them, or either because they where gifs. At the end of the year we will see what we have and see if we rate number, quality, or just we simply point at mine and laught (most probably). Well, the first challenge was cast (Don´t have too much hopes for this one, that guy it´s nuts and it´s painting 365 minis this year... and actually DOING IT). Truth is it doesn´t matter as long as he paints some of the gifts he had received from me this last years *wink wink*.
But challenge calls challenge.
And then, my friend Von_Drake dared to challenge me on his blog. The objective: 200 points of Infinity the Game for our Annual face off. Since nearly all my Infinity minis were gifts, i could paint the same mini and actually "score" points on both duels so well, ¡Challenge accepted!. Yes, i know, it´s kind of cheating but it´s NOT exactly cheating so... go away XD.
Anyways, i had already started my army long time ago (building, not painting, i´m not THAT cheater XD), and that was plain luck, because Morats (or Space Monkeys as I call them) on his first incarnation seriously needed green stuff on several zones. Problems? Skinny legs and ridiculous mouths (actually, no mouths). I tried to fix them and... here is what i got:
But challenge calls challenge.
And then, my friend Von_Drake dared to challenge me on his blog. The objective: 200 points of Infinity the Game for our Annual face off. Since nearly all my Infinity minis were gifts, i could paint the same mini and actually "score" points on both duels so well, ¡Challenge accepted!. Yes, i know, it´s kind of cheating but it´s NOT exactly cheating so... go away XD.
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You can always surrender... |
Anyways, i had already started my army long time ago (building, not painting, i´m not THAT cheater XD), and that was plain luck, because Morats (or Space Monkeys as I call them) on his first incarnation seriously needed green stuff on several zones. Problems? Skinny legs and ridiculous mouths (actually, no mouths). I tried to fix them and... here is what i got:
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You can see here both legs, before and after |
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This one needed work desesperately |
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You can see the improvement |
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New mouth |
Some close-ups:
First problem... colour scheme! The manga-style of the first IE miniatures didn´t "catch my eye" so i needed another one. I thought, and i thought and i thought...
And after seeying the Green Lantern Movie I went for the Corps.
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Probably i will not use all of them. Specially the Pink |
Yeah, my mind work this way XD. Anyway, a group of different species working together looked similar enought to the Corps to go for it, so... here i am (Actually, i know that different Corps doesn´t work together really well, but that´s a topic for another entry, and probably something that also happens sometimes on the IE army :P). Well, here it is the first mock-up:
Weapons will be "pure energy" |
One last thing, here it is the army i will try to have finished by the end of the year (i´m a slowly painter, ok?!). Ok, maybe "army" is kind of an overstatement, but the Charontid (the robot) is reeeeeeaaally expensive...
My mighty... er... warband? |
Morat troops |
Specialists |
These two are still not finished. They will have more decorations on his bases, to represent walls and such, so they will be the last two to be painted.
And that´s all folks, hope you like this little game!. See you soon!
PS: Here it is what i have from Infinity right now. Just, you know, in case...
+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++
Bueno people, pa variar este post va a ir de pintura, lo cual últimamente es todo un milagro en este blog XD. El caso es que pasado ya 1/4 del año (eh? cómo!?!?) me doy cuenta de que no hay nada con colores aún, y el año pasado acabó con una mini tan sólo (el termi, del cual prometo subir imágenes en breve :P). Es el problema de esculpir (y aún tengo un marinerillo este año XD), pero aun así algo tenía que cambiar, y para ello... nada mejor que un reto para motivarse!
Y qué mejor que desafiar a mi coleguitrón Killian_Doyle (Blog pendiente) a un duelo pincelístico?. Probablemente desafiar a otro que no pinte tanto ni tan bien, pero bueno, go big or go home: Sin un momento de duda, los guantes se lanzaron, las miradas amenazadoras se cruzaron, se apeló a la hombría mutua (por aquello de cumplir todos los cánones del género) y quedamos en ver hasta final de año quién pintaba más minis "debidas" (a alguien por promesa o porque nos las regalaron). Y supongo que quién lo hacía mejor, también. Estos retos nunca son muy precisos :P. El asunto es que el pequeño malandrín también ha prometido pintar 365 minis este año, con lo que lo veo muy puesto... pero confío en que se envenene en cosas que no cumplan los requisitos y se le cuele el reto. O explote, una de dos (aunque me conformaría con que pintase algunas de las minis que le he regalado durante el paso de estos años, la verdad).
Entonces, y como suele suceder en estos casos, ¿no quieres caldo? ¡toma dos tazas!: Otro colega, Von_ Drake (este sí tiene blog), me retó a otro duelo, motivado por el objetivo de que llegado nuestro duelo de fin de año esta vez se jugase de una puñetera vez con algo que no fuese color plástico (así como sus variantes metal y restic). Porque desde los tiempos de WH, vamos. ¿El sistema? 200 puntos (libres) de Infinity the Game, del que tengo figuras desde hace milenios y de las que he pintado... uh... bueno, las fotos están arriba. Además todas las que tengo (salvo una) son regalos, con lo cual mataba dos pájaros de un tiro (silbidito sospechoso).
La preparación de las minis ya estaba hecha (arriba fotos, again) con lo cual eso que gané. Y en cuanto al esquema, me incliné tras sesudo análisis, pero sobre todo tras ver Green Lantern en el cine, por los Corps. Diversos Corps pa diversas razas alienígenas, podría ser curioso. Si miráis (de nuevo) las fotos veréis mi poderoso... grupúsculo de colegas (técnicamente son grupos de combate, pero Homer tiene más colegas en sus partidas de Póker, la verdad XD) listo pa que lo pinte de una puñetera vez. El Shasvastii y el Mono del Espacio con HMG requieren todavía modificaciones en sus peanas, pero son los que menos me preocupan.
Resumiendo: dos retos,un año por delante... os seguiremos informando del desarrollo de este emocionante (o algo) desafío!!
Nos vemos!
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