"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 12 de mayo de 2014

Nurgle Beast (IV)

                Good news everyone!.

              Ok, i needed to use that phrase :P. These are not exactly news in the journalist way, but a new update! This time, the Beast of Nurgle, wich now enters his final stage: only two more updates and done (same as with the warrior, the second one will be the finished miniature, nothing more).

                  Enought talking, more seeying! Now it´s growing hair things on his head!

lunes, 5 de mayo de 2014

2014 Showdown: Sneak Peek

             I had another post ready, but last minute i decided that you would enjoy more this update of the 2014 Showdown. Here it is the WIP of an Infinity miniature (first one i´m expecting to finish, since, well, ever XD), a Combined Army´s Charontid. Pictures coming!

LED´s Pants!


                  The "pants", except for little retouching here and there are done, in a few weeks i hope to be able to show you the finished miniature (and see if it looks like a  menacing creature or a 70´s techno ball). Oh, i nearly forgot, it´s painted in the Red Lanters colour scheme, which comprises, surprisingly, a lot of red.
                   Hope you like it, see you soon!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

                   Entrada sencilla: trabajo en proceso (o WIP, a decir verdad la mayoría ya hablamos así...) de mi pequeña banda de felices alienígenas genocidas: la IE de Infinity. Los pantacas están prácticamente hechos salvo detalles nimios, espero en breve tenerlo acabado. Pintado en el esquema de los Red Lanters porque, siendo sinceros, tranquilo y relajado no tiene pinta de serlo un animalico que va por el mundo adelante con un fusil de plasma XD.

                   Espero que os guste, nos vemos!!!
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