"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 24 de junio de 2013

Space Hulk Librarian: Painting (IV)

        Finally. Sorry for taking too much time for updating, but i promise you i have been busy doing stuff. Really. Anyways, two more updates after this one and this fellah will be finished, hope you like the work so far:

Only needs Book, Axe and Base

Still blurry *shrugs*

This is... the same as always XD

Ok maybe i should not include these ones

Finished Bolter. With the meaning of everything included

Close up.

              Ok, as i told you, only two more updates and done. I´m going holidays this July, but hope in August you´ll see several new things. Aaaaaand that´s all folks!

               See you soon!

+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++

                Bueno, estas fotos son ya de hace tiempo pero entre una cosa y otra aún no las había subido al blog. Sólo faltan dos actualizaciones más, y el pequeñuelo este estará finalizado, espero que os guste el resultado que voy teniendo :). En Julio me voy de vacatas, pero Menoth mediante en Agosto estará acabado este chavalote (otra cosa es cuando subiré las fotos del "producto final". Eso ya... XDDD)

                 Bueno, espero que os guste, nos vemos!

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