Well, like any good hobbyist i rarely only have one project at a time. Truth be told, i rarely ONLY have less than ten, but maybe it´s just me.... Anyways, y just wanted to do a little showcase of what i´m actually working onto...
First, the next mini that i will paint: the Librarian from the Space Hulk box. It was almost ready to prime and paint, so this year is his year!. The plastic things? You will see..
First, the next mini that i will paint: the Librarian from the Space Hulk box. It was almost ready to prime and paint, so this year is his year!. The plastic things? You will see..
Who stores, has (except space :P) |
Second: another Necron gift from my friend Von Drake. Nearly 99% of my Merry Band of `Crons is a gift from him, so maybe i should pait one...
Third!: No, not an Imperial Strike Cruiser, a ship from the Dystopian Wars game (an Anctartica ship, actually). Bought this last year, don´t want them to stay unpainted for another year (at least, not ALL the fleet)
There will be a tuto. For a good reason... |
Third!: No, not an Imperial Strike Cruiser, a ship from the Dystopian Wars game (an Anctartica ship, actually). Bought this last year, don´t want them to stay unpainted for another year (at least, not ALL the fleet)
Hope there are no rebels close... |
And last but not least, this one: Yes, i know i already have an sculpting contest, but... this little fellah appeared from nowhere and... well, you know
It will not be a Slimer mini... |
Well, hope you´re interested, see you soon! :D
+++++++++++++++++ INITIATING TRANSLATION++++++++++++++++
Bueno, la intención de este post es mostraros los proyectos en los que estoy trabajando ahora mismo. Más bien, los principales, que siempre tengo una recua de ellos en lista de espera XD. Las fotos vienen a ser:
- La próxima mini a pintar: el Bibliotecario del Space Hulk. Los trozos de matriz tienen una explicación... que se os dará con el tiempo :P
- Las piezas de necrones. Parte de otro PaP que haré.... un milenio de estos XDDD.
- La navecita del Dystopian Wars. Compré la flota el verano pasado, estaría bien que pintase alguna pieza :P. De paso será una buena práctica para esculpir oleajes ^_^U.
- Lo último es un proyectillo que surgió así de repente... y no, no es una mini de Moquete XDDDD. Ya os enseñaré cuando la acabe, pero podéis ir adivinando.... ;)
Y eso es todo amigos, esperemos que la próxima entrada ya sea de un proyecto en firme (y si no, se siente :P).
¡Nos vemos!