"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Skink WIP (III)

                  Well, third and last WIP entry for this mini, next one will be the (i hope) finished one. Now it has the Gold (minus the weapon) and Jade zones done, and also the basic colors in the jungle base, hope you like it!

                  Still not convinced about the NMM Gold (not the execution but the... "placement of the light", you can say), i will touch it a little but not redo it for two reasons:

             1) It´s a good way to learn

             2) I don´t wanna repaint it XD.

             Ok, hope you like it, see you soon! And don´t forget about the contest! ;)

lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

Let´s play a game: Second Voting

              Well, the first voting has ended (five votes... was expecting a little more, actually XD), and the final winner was...

You like it dirty, huh? XD

               With a vote on the last second XD. Nurgle and Tzeentch then... well, time for the second row, now you must say a random page of this book, and i will select the closest arwork to that page (first upwards, then downwards if there isn´t a picture on the page). Just remember a few tips:
  • If two "players" choose the same artwork, sorry!, only one picture added :P.
  • If the page has an artwork in the edges it can be chosen! (the second option has plenty of them, in example). As i told you before, if the page has several drawings all of them will enter the final poll
  • I will follow the pdf number of page UNLESS the pages has a number, (or i have the book XD) in that case i will follow THAT number. Example: Champions of Chaos page 13 (pdf) is the book page 10 (you can see it on the scanned page). Well, if you say "page 10" i will go for this page, not the pdf page.
  • Book goes from 2 to 296
          You can vote from now to the 19 of December (i´m pretty sure everyone who really wants to vote will have voted way before that date...). Then, it will start the third and last row, selecting the final picture. And then... sculpting!
           Hope you like it, see you soon!

martes, 13 de noviembre de 2012

Armies on Parade (II)

             Didn´t forget about this series because of all the contest thing, here are the second episode of my "Armies on Parade" showcase. Remember, three kind of "entries": Armies (complete, legal ones), Warbands (one complete unit, but not enought for an army) and Happy Tree Friends (single miniatures, incomplete units, etc). Well, here we go:


               If you still remember the previous post, i told that Warriors of Chaos were my first minis but not my first army. Well, here is the lucky one!:

The scaly army in all his (mostly green) splendour!

You can see i use a lot of skirmishers...

Cold One Riders. No rules for them at this moment...

The Champion was an special character, Tichi Huichi

Terradon Riders. A good lesson of  "not glue to the flying base"

Needed of a new bases, repaint, reglue... full service...

First Skink unit (14) and a Chaman

domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

Skink WIP (II)

           Second episode of this w.i.p., now with the wood and leather parts done (and the stone-whatever-things on his... ¿skirt?). Next (and nearly last thing) NMM Gold zones.

      I expect to finish him this month, next mini will be... well, not sure,probably another lizardmen (let´s see if i have a "legal" army again). Hope you like it!

See you soon, don´t forget the contest! ;)

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