"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

lunes, 22 de agosto de 2011

Proyect: Golden Demon

Recently, i came back from the Spanish Golden Demon in the Casa de Campo, Madrid (sounds a little weird to write names in spanish when the post is in english, but the address is that, so let´s go XD). This was the second year that i go to this show, and again my miniatures didn´t even have a chance. Dammit....


Actually, i was perfectly aware that they didn´t have a chance. With the Spanish "iwineverything" Team around, the goals of people like me are... well... winning the "red stick" who marks you as a finalist, but it always irks you that you are humilliated in that way (ok, not exactly humilliated but... ah, forget it).

Ok, i think i don´t have a chance...
 But, in defeat is when you learn more, and no one has been defeated as many times as me (actually, this is something i should not include on my CV...) so i had learn a lot of things just looking at a hundred contests not only "in live", but also on the internet. And the main thing i had learn is that you only need three things to win a GD (yes, not kidding). Here they are:

Idea: This may surprise you, but i think that a good idea it´s half the work (the other half is talent, but hey, nobody says this was an easy hobby XD). Of course, with certain minis you don´t need to have an "idea", specially in categories of individual minis and similars, but i always thinked that a good "background" or  "history" always helps you to win. Or at least, to grab attention (every painter is a diva who only wants attention, you know it). Examples:
Yeah, great painting... but why he runs?
 Good painting, but you see it and only thinks "why is he running like that?". On the other hand...

Run Forrest Run!
See?. You can imagine it running along the field, smashing everything in his path. Both minis are great, but if you had to choose one, the second will probably win (with a similar level of painting, you know). So, history is great, and if you can´t do this (sorry for the poor pic):
Our history is: we are FUCKING awesome!
At least grab attention with a good idea...

Execution: Another obvious thing maybe, but still worthy to mention. A good idea with a bad execution is worthless, or at least will see his "coolness" reduced. Example: 

Look at the one at the left. Yeah, he is getting out of the sand, but look at the sand itself: seems that more than sand is just a sheet or something like that. And there is no sand in the miniature (if you wake up after being covered with sand, it will fall from every part, and a big bunch will be stick to you...). The mini is not bad (and he stole my idea for the "leader") but with a bit more work it would have been even much better.

Painting: Surprised, eh?. Yes, no matter how good is the idea, how many time did you spent converting the mini and making it wonderfull...painting is everything. Painting can do a "simple" mini a great mini, and a great mini a masterpiece.

And then, there is THIS...

So, i have decided that this year i´m gonna follow my own principles and built a proyect that follows all this steps: i think i will not have problems with the first two (except of time, of course) but let´s see what happens with the third...Well, will post my advances here so at least can have opinions, threats and all other comments.

See you!
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