"Brevis esse laboro /obscurus fio" Trato de ser breve /y me vuelvo oscuro. Horacio

@thedarker (instagram)

miércoles, 30 de marzo de 2011

lunes, 21 de marzo de 2011

Ultramarines´ Vanguard Veteran (WIP)

         So, first of all, sorry for my slow ratio of posting (i´m talking about writed post, i´m still able to upload a different comic stripe every week, yay!), life is a busy business and, surprisingly, doesn´t care about your hobbys... Also, you may be asking yourselves why the hell this moron is writing in english when the blog is mainly in spanish... well, i have an answer for that. Several, in fact:
a) I want my hobby´s post to be as international as possible. And, like it or not, english is the best way to achieve it (a lot of people who talks spanish talks english, but not in the other way...)
b) My 8 followers understands english, so i´m not losing audience XD
c) It´s a way to practice my poor english (and i need it...).

          Ok, on topic. I usually doesn´t do WIP photos because... well, there can be weeks between a WIP photo and a finished one (yeah, i´m THAT slow...) but in this case i just have this photos so... well, here they are, an Ultramarines Vanguard Veteran:


 Closer, with the right shoulder pad finished:

  At this moment the left arm is finished except for the bolt pistol. I hope i will finish it soon so i can paint more minis. Last days Warhammer it´s calling at my door, and it´s unpolitely not to open...

See you!

miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

Ultrapals (sin número, por ahora 00a)

Bueno, esta es una de las tiras que tengo sin numerar porque quiero que la tira tenga un cierto orden, así que por ahora esta es solo 00a :P.
Corregida con potochó ciertos detalles y empezada a colorear :D
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